2 Dec 2022
Coffee on, ready to go!

Burrr! I don’t mind a cool ride, but this might be a little much. Rough to have to look at that nice warm kitchen from out here :-). The old girl cranked a little hard for sure, be warmed up soon enough I suppose. First order of business is some food.

That didn’t take long, right here in the town center. Looks like it might be a good choice? The entrance was a little odd, door in ‘front’ wasn’t. Round the side looked odd, but finally did get in – to the bar in front of the kitchen where there was a party going on. They were rock’n breakfast for sure, playing it loud! What a fun place. I sat around the corner at table though, screaming guitars are just a little too much this early.

After breakfast I walked across the street to the old train depot and park. A blanket of frost was glittering in the sunshine everywhere it had not yet melted away. It was perfectly still and cold, sunlight glared sharply in the crisp air. Shadows etched in black contrast. The entire scene was filled with an edgy kind of harshness.

Then there is this hobo cooking his meal. The sun continues to rise, and color returns to the world.
I was particularly struck by this mural showing men men going off to the great war. What an oxymoron. Necessary, perhaps, but do not use the adjective great. The artist did a wonderful bit of magic here tying together so many elements…

A u-turn moment to take in someones gorgeous back yard. And on this road no less! To think, I’m missing the interstate for this. Bahhhh hah ha. Then it hits me, I suspect that there might just be a much larger truth bubbling below the surface of these thoughts. What are the chances we pay a much higher price for ‘convenience’ than we are aware of, or would even acknowledge? In all areas of our life? Taken together, a pair of rather frightening questions.

Vignette of the day. Beautiful sunshine throughout on pretty roads, a lovely ride indeed. Map below to follow along, enjoy the journey then go explore your world.