27 Mar 2021
As the blog posts add up I thought it might me interesting to pull together all of the trips into a single map… Well, here it is. No point in adding many words, it’s really all about the places. At some point the limits of Google Maps will begin to encroach, but for now its possible to map the three existing catategories of travel; Local Roads (out and back from my home), Extended Local Roads (longer day/weekend trips), and proper Long Rides (so far only days/weeks, perhaps one day weeks/months) into three layers. I have also included two layers for photos corresponding to Extended Local and Long Rides. At this point I have not gone through photos of local places and pinned them to the map. Perhaps one day :-).
Oh, one more thing. As this data set grew it became quite unwieldy in Drive so… I have reorganized to make the data more manageable. As a result many of the links to photos broke. At this point I think I have corrected the permissions, but it’s certainly possible I have missed some. If you find that photos are not coming up please let me know in the comments so I can make the correction. Thanks!
Happy armchair riding… and, as always my hope is that this encourages you to get out there and ‘do’ and share your experience, what ever that happens to look like.