RLT: Carolina Loop – Day 1

RLT: Carolina Loop – Day 1

1 Dec 2022

Bit little late in the year for a long ride but hey, go for it right?! Needed a little work before leaving. Tires, brakes, oil change, normal maintenance. Rides sooooo much better on the new rubber! Pretty impressed that how evenly the brake pads were worn, perfectly matches the feel for sure – smooth powerful stopping.

New pair of shoes
Well, these shoes too :-).
Getting all rested up and ready to go!

Well, this is not a typical start – evening sky, not morning. Had to work today so a late start. Beautiful sunset though for sure… Gassed up a ready to knock out some miles. Night riding so no photos and main roads, just need to get there. This leg ended up being pretty utilitarian.

Sunset while grabbing gas
Aaaah! Quite the life…

Arrived. I decided to try a Bunk-a-Biker stay for the first time. After reading multiple stories on the web site I thought it should be ok and had some expectations of how it might go. Sure enough just as so many examples provided, what a marvelous thing. Amazing hospitality, great conversation, wonderful people. It really is inspiring to know there are so many good folks out there just like this. Thank you so much for opening up your home!

… quite affectionate too …
… perfect for a cold night
Bunk-a-Biker for the win!

Well, that’s about it for today. Great start, out of the ‘city’, past the big roads, and into the main part of the trip. Here’s the route this evening, enjoy!