12 Sep 2021
Well, final travel day we should be home this evening. Let’s see what we find. The first half will be new territory, as we get closer landscapes will become more familiar.

I find this bit of art to be so magnetic. Then, the more you look the more you find. So much on a large canvas. On the one hand I do wish the sign and tree could be removed, and yet it does seem to work despite, or perhaps along with.
Wouldn’t it be fun to have a conversation with Louise? She taught for many years so many were able to interact and learn from her, I suspect it was quite a privilege.
The giant trees depicted seemed like hyperbole, but perhaps not. If you get a chance look for old photos showing the Appalachia when American Chestnuts were covering the region. Beautiful giants, hard to imagine, much larger that those depicted here. I had thought them extinct but was delighted to find they are still with us. There are efforts to breed a variant that can survive the blight, it would be incredible to see them come back enforce.

Oooh look look! We’ve managed to find our way back to High’s Restaurant. What a pleasant surprise… Well, defiantly going to stop. Good food and a great atmosphere, certainly recommend. We found this place last year on a weekend jaunt into West Virginia, such a treat to be back.

Well, very close now. We’ll grab some supper out, it’s been a long day and tiring yet rewarding two weeks on the road.

This is always the saddest part of the trip – pulling into the garage. It’s over. For now. Great news, we have added so many fabulous memories. Sights and sounds, beautiful roads and interesting people along the way. What an enriching experience – as always.

Daily roads, as always…
… and here’s a birds eye view of the whole trip, by far the longest to date. So much of the country remaining to be explored! Fair winds and following seas as you make your way out to discover your world.