4 Dec 2022
What will today bring? Sad to leave good friends to be sure, unfortunately do have to get home. First stop: high cotton! I remember seeing fields like this for the first time many years ago traveling from Mississippi to Georgia, I had no idea what the plants looked like so it was such a shock. I’ve never seen harvest like this before, so this was a pretty neat addition to my totally inadequate drop of cotton farming knowlege. Lots of T-Shirts in that row!

Land between galleries

Can you almost imagine a ‘Ruth’ coming along and gleaning this… I wondered what the average yield is per acre: ~800lbs. Are bales of cotton still a thing: yep, 225 lbs and 17 ft3. Near as I could tell from a couple of searches these round bales are just a little shy of 4 bales each, so around a half ton of cotton per. Wouldn’t Eli be proud. It would take roughly 18 days to process just one of these rolls though his ground breaking machine! That’s a little crazy. Well, there was some fun. How’s the saying go? If you’ve got the internet you’re ignorant by choice.

Well, another trip complete. One more train sighed, Jen sent some eggs home with me, and they all made it safe and sound. Thank you for a wonderful visit. As always, map below, enjoy!