Sunday 12 Aug 2018
Well up and at’em! The place was very nice, a small ranch purchased for the host’s mother, family taking care of family. Now there are guests in the front and… puppies in the back.

Well, enough fun for one morning… Packed up and on the road. Breakfast at a local place noted for great fare then start south. Wonderful country roads. Fields and streams, crops and farms. Then we came to Mr. Ed’s. A place to behold. It’s all about elephants!

Can you tell?

Hard to believe this place burned down just a few years ago. The proprietor, Mr. Ed Gotwalt was busy planing the rebuild on the day after the fire – and rebuild he did. So nice to see that he was able to push through hardship and regain a thriving business.

Well, on we go. Through Gettysburg where we stopped to get into rain gear. It’s been getting steadily darker all day and there have already been a few rain drops. Not far after crossing into Maryland we came across this gem.

It’s beautiful, so much detail and character. Have to ask though, what does that mean exactly? We have been riding most of the day and have passed plenty of ‘big’ and ‘nice homes. Yet at we sweep through the curve and this one catches our eye we ‘know’ it’s worth going back for. Then sure enough, get on line and look; a historic home with a rich history.
So, let me ask this: could you build this kind of home today? I really do wonder. I have seen lots of Mc Mansions, and while some can get you gawk do any ‘speak’ like this? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me and I’m a little odd but I don’t think so…
As we shift from country side to Baltimore a dull feeling begins to settle over us. It’s almost over. No way to go on? Maybe no one would miss us if we just rolled right past Waldorf? Could we find other destinations? Traffic increases, around the Baltimore Beltway, past the airport. Where else can we stop to prolong the trip. One last diversion, another meal on the road, one of our favorite Thai spots. Oh, and what’s there on the walls? Mr. Ed would be proud.

Well, dinner is done, the last few miles roll past. Then we are home, pulling into the garage and turning off the key. All told we have traveled 2404 miles over 10 riding days. We set out to have an adventure, discover roads less traveled, visit good friends. Try and figure out if we like this way of traveling. Oh, yes. Total success.
As before, here are more pictures and thoughts in geographic form. Please enjoy. And maybe, just maybe you will hatch a plan – get out there and find some of the wonder too.