While it's not impossible to do things with out the right tool - it sure is a pain in the back side. Follow along the meandering path to a fine tool for your tool chest...
DIY Timber Frame
Starting off on a grand adventure: learning how to Timber Frame! Come on along...
DIY Saw Mill
8 Oct 2011 Choices choices choices… In order to build anything with timbers you have to have timbers. Funny to write that out, of course you do but… it’s really not all that easy. This isn’t something commonly done – which means you can’t go to your average ‘big box’ store and pick from...
Summit at Sunrise
One of our favorite hikes, but earlier!
Intersecting the Internet
A few moments exploring the way our lives are viewed through the lens of our Internet presence...
Weekend away turns most interesting on this backpacking / bed and breakfast get away...
Snippits – Introduction
Those cute vignettes that 'just happen' from time to time