7 Sep 2021 Looking ahead at the route we are planning today I think it’s going to be incredible! First off, two new states. I suppose, technically, I could take credit for Missouri after crossing the Mississippi river bridge yesterday, but today is the real deal, spending six hours slicing off a wedge in...
RLT: Kansas! (Rolling Again! Day 6)
6 Sep 2021 Slowing getting back in the traveling groove today… Bright blue skies and lovely sunshine, just perfect! Studying the map I came to realize that Illinois drops waaaaay farther south than I realized – to the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and right in line with our path. Oh look,...
RLT: Kansas! (Relax on Day 4)
4 Sep 2021 Today is a ‘pause day’, not a lot of travel – instead a couple of local sights we took in… The first comes from a small hike, really more of a walk, exploring the Narrows of the Harpeth. On the Harpeth river that is. An absolutely fascinating place geographically and historically....
RLT: Kansas! (Biscuit Deliciousness Day 3)
3 Sep 2021 Well off we go, day 3. Early start and a shorter day, only two hundred fifty miles. The first hour and a bit are spent on larger (straight and boring) state highway. Given the pedestrian nature of this stretch of road, through the wasteland of featureless strip malls, we didn’t even...
RLT: Kansas! (Quite a mix! Day 2)
2 Sep 2021 Well, after that wonderful fist day what comes next??? How about some breakfast in this unique mercantile. Couldn’t help but smile at the signage :-). How to describe the place? I suppose it’s a modern day “Tourist’s General Store” in the form of a soft Cretan Labyrinth fueled by the siren...
RLT: Kansas! (There yet? Day 1)
1 Sep 2021 So… this will be our big trip for the year. Hey, every wonder what to pack for a long motorcycle trip? We break things into two chunks: personal stuff, and common stuff. Personal things are, well, personal. Normal stuff like clothes and those hygiene items supporting civil society. Two people, two...
RLT: Marion NC Easter Getaway
Spring has sprung and we had some nice weather to get out in for a trip to North Carolina. Come on along...
RLT: All Route Compilation
27 Mar 2021 As the blog posts add up I thought it might me interesting to pull together all of the trips into a single map… Well, here it is. No point in adding many words, it’s really all about the places. At some point the limits of Google Maps will begin to encroach,...
RLT: Augusta Bound – Leg 7
7 Sep 2019 Well, last day… Fairly light, only about 190 miles through Virginia, but first things first – need a little gas! Couldn’t help but wish we could have dropped into Bubba’s to see what kinda thangs was on the menu :-). Love coming across these gems waaaaay off the beaten path. This...
RLT: Augusta Bound – Leg 6
6 Sep 2019 Well, off we go, unfortunately time to point north… Dipping out of Georgia and beginning to move through the South Carolina countryside I couldn’t help but notice a historical marker on the banks of the Broad River commemorating the Revolutionary War Battle of Fishdam Ford, which of all things, happened near...