RLT: MI & Back – Leg 3

RLT: MI & Back – Leg 3

Friday 3 Aug 2018 We got up really late then had coffee with the host.  Turns out we grew up in the same part of the country, talked about kids, work, good conversation about this that and the other.    Left really really late!  Like 10:15.  Good thing we racked up some miles yesterday ;-)....

RLT: MI & Back – Leg 2

RLT: MI & Back – Leg 2

Thursday 2 Aug 2018 Morning started out with heavy low-lying clouds.  I overheard the host talking with her husband about ‘calling for heavy rain all day’, shoot! We got down the road an hour or so before the rain started.  Climbing up that first ridge it was just overcast with a few drops, second...

RLT: MI & Back – Leg 1

RLT: MI & Back – Leg 1

Wednesday 1 Aug 2018 Well, by the time we got packed and ready it was 7… not too bad, only 2 hours late πŸ˜‰ Hot (88 deg) muggy day… First impressions? Can definitely feel the extra weight. It’s not awkward or unwieldy so much as ‘just there’. I suppose that’s kind of the definition...