RLT: Augusta Bound – Leg 3

RLT: Augusta Bound – Leg 3

2 Sep 2019

Yawn, stretch, get those feet on the floor! Peek out the window, It’s looking oh so nice out there this morning. Well, let’s get those saddle bags packed up and ready. Before heading out we said good bye to our host, what a sweet lady. Another ‘classic’ AirBnB, normal folks practicing hospitality, seems to me what the service was intended for – not just another way to book a hotel room. After visiting a bit we came to find out we both had Air Force backgrounds. So we got to review assignments to look for overlaps, swap swap some stories about favorites, then it was time to go…

Wonderful Host!
Ok, Tell Me a Sterile Hotel Room Beats This?
Packed and Ready…

The main goal for today was to get at least to Asheville to visit old friends. Oh, and have I mentioned that the day was so very nice. Pretty country roads, nice scenery, and plenty of old homesteads along the way. We didn’t stop too much, just mile after mile of twisty two lanes and smiles. We did get lost thought :-). How does that happen with GPS!??? Well, it really boils down to trying to take ‘too small’ a road. We got way back up in a cove and the road went from tar to gravel. Looking ahead on the map it was hard to guess when it would change back, but it looked like a very, very long way – so we backtracked to keep moving at a more reasonable pace. See, should have bought the GS!

Views of Country Living Along the Way

So what might one expect to find along Waterfall Road? May seem a bit silly, but… not every road lives up to it’s namesake. In this case that wonderful twisty road lead to a very pretty water feature, quite literally right up to the waterfall.

Look What we Found! (and just look at the road…)
Picture Perfect
Are we Officially in the “West” Now?
Inviting? I Think So

The wood has so much weathered texture, really makes me wonder how the old Fachwerk buildings have held up so well over two or three times the number of yeas this cabin has been in existence. Perhaps they were treated from occasionally with some kind of preservative? I’ve looked for references that indicated if that were true, but never really come up with anything. I almost have to think so particularly given the wet winters in Germany. Anyone with ideas please comment.

Come in a Little Closer…
Look at the size of that Log!!!

It’s hard to imagine the size of that tree before it was shaped – or how they moved it without heavy equipment. Looking back at the previous pictures, only six logs for the entire full sized wall. Incredible.

Well, that’s about it for this leg of the journey. Time to get unpacked, cleaned up, and ready for some sleep. See you tomorrow…

Sight for Sore Eyes (and Bodies 🙂